Rakastan tähtitaivasta. On sanomattakin selvää, että rakastan myös tähtitaivasvalokuvia. Tässä on vain yksi ongelma. En osaa ottaa niitä itse ja se ärsyttää minua suunnattomasti. Olen lukenut kaikki internetin aihetta käsittelevät tutoriaalit, mutta saan aikaan vain keltaista taivasta satunnaisilla "roskilla kennossa". Hohhoi. Tosin parvekeella treenaillessani (Valosaasteeton ympäristö, jep.) tajusin, että valkotasapaino kannattaa säätää tarkoituksella päin honkia, jotta taivaasta tulisi sininen.
Vielä minä ajan johonkin keskelle metsää ja otan täydellisen kuvan linnunradasta ja tähdistä ja mahdollisesti revontulista. Siihen mennessä haluan olla kuitenkin varma, ettei tuo reissu mene pilalle sen vuoksi, että säädän asetukset väärin. Jos jollain on pomminvarmoja (tai vähemmänkin varmat ovat erittäin tervetulleita) vinkkejä, otan ne ilolla vastaan. Ja nyt vain treenejä jatkamaan...
This post made me think of the time I decided to venture in the Night Photography and the attempts to capture the stars. My first attempts were made with a Nikkor 135mm f/2.8 in a Nikon FM body, film ASA 200, tea and patience. At the time I was determined to get a good shot of the scorpius constellation, though the 24 exposures roll didn't have much success. Couple of years later, when I got a digital camera, I went there again and had better results but nothing espetacular like the ones we see out there with milky way and star trails. Still I managed to capture the Scorpius constellationquite well.
VastaaPoistaThe tips I could pass forward I am guessing you already know. But if not...
Try to go somewhere away from lots of city lights, mount a tripod, set camera with aperture around f/4, low ISO (200, 100 if possible) and in B (bulb mode) and then start the trial and error with the exposure time. I would suggest starting with around 8 minutes and then try longer times according to the results you see.
As you probably already know, this requires a good amount of time and patience but it can be fun and rewarding. If you have more attempts, let us know. Good luck ;)
Thanks for the tips. I've been trying with many different kind of settings. I think the biggest problem is that there's always been too much light or too much clouds... And I have to admit that I'm a bit too lazy to wake up in the middle of the night. :D
PoistaYep. Light and clouds are what you don't want for these shots.
PoistaAndhey, isn't it getting dark earlier up there where you live? Perhaps soon you will be able to try these shots at 5 in the afternoon :D
Yea, that's true! :D